Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit
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6420 Discussions

Openvino python and runtime release conflict


Hi team,


i was working on YOLO v3 openvino model and while executing the code, i got the below error,

i tried solving the error but didn't get any solutions.

kindly help solving the below error.


File ~/YOLOv3/
24 from time import time
26 import cv2
---> 27 from openvino.inference_engine import IENetwork, IECore
29 basicConfig(format="[ %(levelname)s ] %(message)s", level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout)
30 log = logging.getLogger()

File /opt/intel/oneapi/intelpython/openvino_2024.1.0/python/openvino/
13 pass
15 # #
16 # # OpenVINO API
17 # # This forces checking of runtime modules to propagate errors.
18 # # It is not compared with init files from openvino-dev package.
19 # #
20 # Import all public modules
---> 21 from openvino import runtime as runtime
22 from openvino import frontend as frontend
23 from openvino import helpers as helpers

File /opt/intel/oneapi/intelpython/openvino_2024.1.0/python/openvino/runtime/
5 """openvino module namespace, exposing factory functions for all ops and other classes."""
6 # noqa: F401
----> 8 from openvino._pyopenvino import get_version
10 __version__ = get_version()
12 # Openvino pybind bindings and python extended classes

ImportError: Check 'versions_compatible' failed at ../../repos/openvino/src/bindings/python/src/pyopenvino/pyopenvino.cpp:93:
OpenVINO Python version (2024.1.0-15008-f4afc983258-releases/2024/1) mismatches with OpenVINO Runtime library version (2024.1.0-33-20d7ce923d1). It can happen if you have 2 or more different versions of OpenVINO installed in system. Please ensure that environment variables (e.g. PATH, PYTHONPATH) are set correctly so that OpenVINO Runtime and Python libraries point to same release.

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2 Replies

Hi Samarth2,

Thank you for reaching out to us.


From your error message, I noticed that the code uses the old OpenVINO™ 1.0 API ("from openvino.inference_engine import IENetwork, IECore"). For your information, OpenVINO™ 1.0 API is discontinued starting from OpenVINO™ 2024.0 release. You can find more information in the Discontinued in 2024.0 subsection under the Deprecation and Support section on the 2024.0 Release Notes.


We recommend that you modify the code to use the new OpenVINO™ 2.0 API to resolve the errors. You can refer to the OpenVINO™ 2.0 API Inference Pipeline for guides on how to implement the new API.


On another note, regarding the OpenVINO™ version compatibility, which distribution did you use to install the OpenVINO™ 2024.1.0 version?






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Hi Samarth2,

Thank you for your question. This thread will no longer be monitored since we have provided a suggestion. If you need any additional information from Intel, please submit a new question.





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